
  • Adriano Salvi Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
  • Dr. Alaim Souza Neto Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC


: human formation; society of the spectacle; education fetish.


This article investigates the hegemony of the spectacle in contemporary society, based on the ideas of Guy Debord in his work The Society of the Spectacle and the contributions of Saviani Historical-Critical Pedagogy (2008; 2011) on the theme of integral human formation. Debord (2006) analyzes capitalist society as a social structure that prevents critical and autonomous human development, in favor of a society fetishized by consumption and alienated from reality. Social relations are mediated by images and goods, promoted by the market and media, resulting in alienation and loss of critical consciousness. Saviani (2008; 2011), in turn, highlights that education in its ontological essence serves the human being and not things. For both, human formation is seen by the hegemonic class as process of adaptation to the needs of the capitalist system, rather than developing critical thinking. Methodologically, bibliographical research was used, based in the contributions of Debord (2006) an Saviani (2008; 2011). Among the results, it is clear that human formation must be oriented towards the construction of a fairer and more conscious society, in which education is not at the service of capital, but rather the integral and autonomous development of individuals. Overcoming the mercantile teaching model requires a commitment to an education that promotes desalination and effective participation in social transformation and human emancipation. Interdisciplinary dialogue between Philosophy and Education is essential for a critical analysis of training processes in contemporary times.



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Author Biography

  • Dr. Alaim Souza Neto, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina - UFSC
    He is currently Head and Professor of the Department of Specialized Studies in Education, at the Education Center of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC). He works in the Postgraduate Programs in Education (PPGE) in the SUPED research line and Professional Masters in Literature (PROFLETRAS) at UFSC. He has a degree in Literature, Pedagogy and Chemical Engineering. He has specializations in Brazilian Literature, Text Construction and Information Technology in Education. He completed a Master's and Doctorate in Education at UDESC with a post-doctoral internship on teaching subjectivities for the appropriation of technologies at PPGE/UFSC. He is leader of the Observatory of Curricular Practices Research Group (OPC/UFSC) and Research Member of the Research and Studies Group on Teacher Training and Teaching Practices (FOPPE/UFSC). My research interests have been centered around discussions that problematize the relationships between Education, Digital Technologies, Work, Science and Knowledge in intersection with the theoretical fields of Curriculum, Teacher Training, School Management or Language from critical approaches, especially those relating to Historical-Critical Pedagogy. Regarding Technologies, research into their conceptions, history, production, uses/disuses, appropriation, integration and educational impacts is of interest, but with critical perspectives that aim at human formation and political emancipation.


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How to Cite

HUMAN TRAINING IN THE PERFORMANCE SOCIETY: MOVEMENT FROM ADAPTATION TO CRITICISM. (2025). Colloquium Humanarum. ISSN: 1809-8207, 21(1), 1-18, e245043.

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