Contexts and Quality Practices in Early Childhood Education: A Case Study in Angola
Training of professionals, Early childhood education, Emergent literacy, Pedagogical methodologiesAbstract
The present article analyzes the contexts and practices of early childhood education professionals in Angola, through a qualitative case study conducted in the city of Sumbe. Semi-structured interviews with educators from public and private schools revealed two main issues: the lack of infrastructure and teaching materials, including the absence of libraries, and the challenges faced by educators in implementing practices that promote the development of emergent literacy. The disparities between public and private schools highlight the challenges in achieving quality education, especially the insufficiency of continuous professional development. Participants emphasized the need for greater practical support to incorporate child-centered pedagogical methodologies. The article proposes the creation of an "Emergent Literacy Laboratory," which would function as a space dedicated to practical training and pedagogical innovation. Although the study was limited to the context of the city of Sumbe, it is suggested that future research expand the scope to other regions of the country. Finally, the study underscores the importance of initiatives that promote early childhood education in alignment with the Sustainable Development Goals, aiming for equity and quality in education.
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