The interactions course and plays in the curricular documents of child education
Interactions and games, Curriculum Documents, Children’s EducationAbstract
Early Childhood Education is the first stage of Basic Education, which aims to develop the child from zero to five years of age in an integral way. Thus, daycare centers and preschools need to create methodologies, organize times and spaces aimed at these children. In this sense, we highlight the interactions and games as the axes that guide the practices of this stage, being fundamental the articulation between these two points to promote relevant educational actions. This article presents the study carried out from the legal bases among which we highlight our current federal Constitution, the last Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, the Statute of the Child and Adolescent (which is currently in force), the Curricular Reference National Framework for Early Childhood Education, the National Curriculum Guidelines for Early Childhood Education, and the current Common National Curriculum Base. We intertwine these official documents with authors who discuss interactions and games in Early Childhood Education. This work aims to analyze the configuration of interactions and games in the legislation and other documents that deal with the curriculum and other aspects inherent to this stage of basic education. First, we contextualize the conceptions and ideas that surround playing and interactions in Early Childhood Education and, later, we approach the conception of playing through curricular documents and other legal provisions, such as the Child and Adolescent Statute. We noticed that the neoliberal discourse involves the curricular documents and limits the practice of playing in Early Childhood Education.
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