Escritas de si, Narrativas (auto)biográficas, Formação de ProfessoresAbstract
This text is configured as a theoretical-bibliographic research, emphasizing the narrative (auto) biographical approach to think about the processes of teacher training based on the writings of themselves as contributing to the construction of knowledge, knowledge and transformations that this can provide. We propose to question as a research problem: What are the contributions of the writings of oneself in the teacher education processes woven into (auto) biographical narratives? In view of the above, we weave as objectives of this article: to understand the historical-epistemological aspects of the field of (auto) biographical narratives in Brazil; understand the movement of professional teaching training mediated by the narrative writings of themselves, as well as reflect on the contributions of the (self) biographical narratives written in the process of teacher training and professional development. The theoretical-epistemological foundation of this text is based on the principles of the narrative (auto) biographical approach to which we are researchers in this area and we share with the contributions of: Delory-Momberger (2008), Josso (2010), Benjamin (2012), Goodson (2019), Nóvoa (1992), Bragança (2018), Passeggi; Souza (2010), among others. The results of the study reveal that the challenge posed in the process of teacher training in the context of a narrative pedagogy, is the adoption of methodological devices in pedagogical practice by teacher trainers, with the use of narrative writings of themselves, which can be undertaken by the trainer himself, in dialogue with students in training, so that they create a culture of writing, and can contribute to their formative process by building knowledge and knowledge necessary for the profession that will accompany them, including, in the professional development of teachers when they are working in the area.
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