Area coordinators. PIBID. Teacher training. Teacher TrainersAbstract
Teacher training is a theme that permeates the field of studies in the field of education, as well as educational policies. Among the policies, we highlight the Institutional Teaching Initiation Scholarship Program (PIBID), which consists of an inductive action in the training of teachers aiming to value and improve teacher training. The program is developed in partnership with Universities and Basic Education Schools and involves graduates, supervisors (basic education teachers), area coordinators and teachers who work in institutional coordination and in the management of educational processes (higher education teachers). This article is part of a qualitative research that sought to investigate the relationship between training and teaching practice in the perception of the area coordinators of PIBID / Federal University of Ouro Preto (UFOP). In this article, we will present the analysis of the data collected, through questionnaires and interviews, referring to the category: “What it is to be a teacher and teacher trainer”. Among the perceptions, it was possible to identify that the PIBID / UFOP area coordinators are in permanent training and the PIBID was a possibility of approaching the public school of basic education. The study allowed us to conclude that there is a formative reciprocity among the participants, which as they form and are formed.
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