Information and communication technology, High school, Media Education, Education ContentsAbstract
The aim of this article is to identify in the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) of High School how the Digital Technologies of Information and Communication (TDIC) are being mentioned and discuss whether these mentions are sufficient to contemplate critical media education for teaching Medium. The digital language is present in society and must be explored as a means of communication, information, interactivity and mainly as a means of conceiving new devices. Thus, it is expected that Basic Education offers subsidies to use and reflect on these technologies. As a methodology, the document analysis of the BNCC document was applied using the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software, using the Word Search command “Ctrl + F”. The search resulted in only eleven mentions in the part destined to High School, and most of the mentions are located in the Area of Languages and Its Technologies. Based on the evidence provided by the literature, the importance of the document and the relevance of TIDC's in today's society, it is concluded that the chosen theme needs a qualitative and quantitative expansion in the BNCC. Technologies are important parts of contemporary reality and have their value increasingly proven, either scientifically or in daily use, but this study is limited to the documentary field, as no observational research was carried out.
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