Teacher’s Initial formation - Geography; Social Representations - Graduates.Abstract
The article presents the results found in the research carried out at the master's level in education, in the line of research on teacher training and pedagogical practices, concluded in the present year of 2020, whose title is “to be a professor of geography in the social representations of geography graduates”. This research has as a guiding question "to understand what permeates being a professor of geography in today's Brazilian society, taking into account all the social and emotional transformations that society has been undergoing". Thus, in this article we aim to explain the results found through the objective of “understanding the social representations of undergraduate students in geography about being a teacher of geography”, specifically seeking “to identify the semantic field of the social representations of undergraduate students (the) in geography”. In order to achieve these objectives, we used the theoretical-methodological contribution of the Theory of Social Representations, used different instruments for data collection, from the technique of free word association and had as research subjects 149 undergraduates in geography from two federal educational institutions upper part of the metropolitan reef region (RMR); then, we conducted a semi-structured interview with the geography graduates; subsequently, we performed the analysis of the data obtained with the aforementioned research instruments, using the Iramuteq software, as well as by analyzing the content according to bardin (1977). As results found we have the social representations of the undergraduate students in geography falling into four categories: disciplinary, pedagogical, affective and professional. Being the disciplinary category that has the greatest expressiveness.
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