Emancipatory education: a possible dialogue between Theodor Adorno and Paulo Freire


  • Glaciane Cristina Xavier Mashiba Universidade Estadual de Maringá
  • João Luiz Gasparin Universidade Estadual de Maringá-UEM




Education, Human emancipation, Theodor Adorno, Paulo Freire


This paper aims to establish the possible dialogue between the writings of Theodor Adorno and Paulo Freire, with a view to emancipatory education. Therefore, we start with the following question: What is the possible dialogue between emancipatory education in Adorno and Freire? The methodology used was bibliographic research, based on the comparison of some works by Adorno and Freire, as well as the material produced about the authors. It is concluded that both Adorno and Freire fought the capitalist society of their time and that both were against the alienation of man; hence, human emancipation was a common concern among these classics. The analysis carried out indicates that emancipatory education, in Adorno and Freire, presents some fundamental axes, which will be presented throughout the text. Emancipatory education, both in Adorno and in Freire, impels the individual to move against the grain of heteronomy and protected thinking imposed by society, with a view to the process of liberation, autonomy, and conscience. Human emancipation, therefore, is a process.

Keywords: Education; Human emancipation, Theodor Adorno; Paulo Freire.


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How to Cite

Emancipatory education: a possible dialogue between Theodor Adorno and Paulo Freire . (2023). Colloquium Humanarum. ISSN: 1809-8207, 20(1), 213-229. https://doi.org/10.5747/ch.2023.v20.h559

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