(Pre) School, Interaction Chains, Mothers, City, FamiliesAbstract
The present work has as focus of discussion the relation school-city-families. Having as a unit of analysis the maintenance of a blumenauense catholic confessional school as a tradition and reference in the city scenario from its installation in the nineteenth century until the end of the twentieth century, this text seeks to explore one of the research clippings that investigated in thesis. from doctorate to triad mothers, school and city, specifically addressing the interaction of mothers with the school, regarding the selection and maintenance of their sons and daughters in this school. Using sociological categories such as habitus and tradition, this qualitative approach study explores the ways of being, feeling, acting and thinking of women and mothers, articulated in feelings of belonging that constitute an organizational network, not homogeneous, but amalgamated with manifestations. cultural features produced by sectors that idealized the school as the best, the most traditional, the reference school. It is a configurational study, under the analytical perspective of Norbert Elias. As a data collection instrument, we used interviews and document analysis. From the analysis of the obtained data, it can be affirmed that the innovations or curriculum alterations were not the result of the interaction school and families. The innovations resulted from external pressures, learning theories, hegemonic discourses conveyed by the pedagogical fad of the time. Because the school is a reference, it could not fail to live up to the social and pedagogical demands that the times of the redemocratization of the country and the profusion of the knowledge society demanded from school processes.
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