Adventure sports. Free fly. PE. Child education. Supervised internship.Abstract
This article reports and reflects on the teaching of hang gliding in Physical Education classes in kindergarten. We take this body practice as an object of teaching in articulation with the literary content explored by the group's teacher and the intense practice of adventure sports in the city, including free flight. Thus, we aim to provide a systematized knowledge about this content little explored by Physical Education, relating free flight to body experiences such as balance, running, jumping, fear and safety equipment. The activities took place in a kindergarten institution linked to a federal university in the context of the school Physical Education internship. Seventeen children between the ages of 5 and 6 years old participated directly in this teaching experiment, the class teacher, a daycare assistant, a pedagogy intern, a physical education teacher and 2 physical education interns. As a result we highlight that this teaching experience provided the children with the ability to identify and differentiate between paragliding hang gliding while experiencing balance / imbalance situations in high and low places, building toys, playing games and making contact with real equipment. The feelings of vertigo, fear, confidence, joy and security were experienced and objects of reflection together with the children in order to know, name and overcome them. Finally, we emphasize the importance of teacher education, the planning and teaching of adventure practices, as well as better knowing the subjects of this process.
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