acidente vascular cerebral, paresia, pessoas com deficiência, teste de caminhada, marchaAbstract
As a result of stroke, impairments such as hemiparesis, gait deficits, impaired motor function and physical deconditioning can occur. In which, gait is one of the most important functional limitations and this way the evaluation becomes important to determine the functional profile and consequently to develop an appropriate treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate and correlate functional capacity with the level of motor and functional impairment in chronic hemiparetic. This is a cross-sectional study using the Six-Minute Walking Test (6MWT) to assess functional capacity and the Fugl Meyer Protocol (FM) to assess the level of motor and functional impairment. Twelve hemiparetic subjects were included. Statistical analysis revealed no significant correlation between the 6MWT and FM. We conclude that the present study revealed a non-correlation between functional capacity and motor impairment in chronic hemiparetic.
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