Português Português


  • Felipe da Silva Paulino
  • Victor Martins de Aguiar Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE




Urban centers play an important role in the process of building and perpetuating collective social memory, becoming responsible for giving identity to certain groups while absorbing signs for individuals and perpetuating themselves as “places of memory”, characteristics that are not enough to inhibit deterioration of time and abandonment. In scenarios similar to these, urban collectives propose to discuss the importance of memory in the construction and activation of historic public spaces, reflections adapted to the old Estação Ferroviária de Tarabai (1954), a fundamental space for the development of the municipality, which after its deactivation was abandoned (1984), even with the implementation of interventions by the government in order to transform it into a leisure space (1992). In this way, the work proposed to observe and understand the dynamics of use, of appropriations carried out locally, emphasizing the importance of collective memory for its activation. For that, direct observations made at the Railway Station were necessary in order to record their spatial practices, with the interpretation of such data through “mind maps”. The observations made on site were complemented with bibliographic and documentary surveys with the purpose of providing theoretical support for surveys carried out on the spot, pondering the importance of collective memory.


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