
  • Licia Pimentel Marconi UNOESTE
  • Myllena Silva Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE
  • Silvia Milena Assis Miranda Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE
  • Thamires Isabele Novais Silva Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE


Keywords: consumer, regret, delivery, pandemic, return


This article aims to have as a backdrop the new reality installed in society, worldwide, due to the spread of COVID-19 and the consequent decree of the pandemic state. All social sectors were able to feel and suffer the impact of this drastic and sad experience that was installed in humanity, the economy, politics, education, health and for a long time to account for this impact, not only of a material and immaterial nature; based on the changes imposed by the decreed state of public calamity, it was up to the legislator to regulate the relations resulting from the effects of the pandemic, and in Brazil the Legislative Power immediately on the initiative of Senator Antonio Anastasia - PSD / MG presented Bill 1179 / 2020 with proposal to regulate transitional relations resulting from the impacts of the pandemic, in various sectors It is in this context that the present work seeks to tackle concepts, legal institutes, factual situations to discuss one of the subjects affected with the pandemic, specifically the consumer and his right of regret when purchasing a product or service, considering that one of the points discussed in the bill No. 1179/2020 and subsequently sanctioned by Law 14010/2020 is Article 8, providing that until October 30 of this year the application of Article 49 of the Consumer Protection Code - CDC - will be suspended in hypothesis of product or service acquired by home delivery (delivery). The methodology used was hypothetical-deductive, through reading, publications, articles and monitoring of lives that have become a very common practice and learning base in the new context. And the final idea is to mature the existing institutes in consumer law in the light of new perspectives.




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Dossiê: Pandemia de COVID-19 e suas repercussões jurídicas e sociais no Brasil

How to Cite

DA PROIBIÇÃO DO RETROCESSO NA DEFESA DO CONSUMIDOR: DISCUSSÃO SOBRE O PL 1179/2020. (2021). Colloquium Socialis. ISSN: 2526-7035, 4(4), 187-194. https://journal.unoeste.br/index.php/cs/article/view/3771

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