Relationship between the cognitive and motor profile in individuals with down syndrome through virtual task performace
Down Syndrome, Virtual Reality, Motor DevelopmentAbstract
The objective of the study was to verify if there is a relationship between the cognitive and motor profile in individuals with Down Syndrome (DS). Cross-sectional study (CAAE:58089622.5.0000.5515), with 27 individuals, 15 from the SD Group with a mean age of 17.5±5.5 years, and 12 from the Control Group, with a mean age of 19.1±5.2 years, evaluated by the Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and MoveHero software (to analyze the motor profile), the Borg Scale was also used. The SD group had a statistically significant MMSE score when compared to the Control group (p<0.001). Post-hoc comparisons showed that the SD Group had a greater EA in MoveHero (p= 0.008) and the SD Group had an increase in HR from rest to the end of the activity (p= 0.050). Thus, it can be concluded that individuals with down syndrome have a greater motor performance deficit, under the influence of the cognitive profile.
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