Health management. Multivariate analysis. Organizational studies. People management. Public administrationAbstract
Recognized for attracting and retaining talent, life quality at work (LQW) synthesizes aspects valued by workers, who are able to influence strongly the achievement of the organizational objectives. Under this perspective, this research carried out the analysis of the life quality at work in the Guamá-Tocantins Indigenous Special Sanitary District (ISSD), located in the Belém do Pará City, Pará State, Brazil. For this purpose, a descriptive survey was carried out with 67 of the 117 workers, who formed the research universe, using a non-probabilistic sampling by type. Data processing was quantitative and has used exploratory factorial analysis (EFA), descriptive statistics, and cluster analysis (CA). The factorial analysis has identified four factors that explained 72.50% of the data variance, that were: “Compensation and Compliance with Labor Legislation” (21.26%), “Balance between Work Hours and Personal Life” (18.81% ), “Autonomy and Training for Work” (17.23%), and “Social Insertion and Organizational Image” (15.20%). The descriptive techniques showed that the “Compensation and Compliance with Labor Legislation” factor was the best rated by the interviewees and “Autonomy and Training for Work” factor was the worst rated by them. The cluster analysis classified respondents into three groups and showed a positive evaluation of life quality at work for most respondents, especially among those with higher education and pay. Thus, the study's findings proved to be able to guide people management strategies and to ground future research to improve labor relations in the organization.
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