Complementary activities, Additional hours, Mobile app, Higher education institutionsAbstract
This article aims to investigate and analyze the behavior profiles and preferences of undergraduate students in relation to complementary activities in order to propose technological alternatives to optimize this process. The research, of exploratory and descriptive character, adopted as a technical procedure the case study at Fumec University, a higher education institution located in the city of Belo Horizonte. Data collection took place through structured interviews, carried out with undergraduate students at Fumec University, from September 1 to 30, 2023. The results indicated the interest of students in using a mobile application as an alternative to the analog methods currently used by HEIs. In this way, the app called Universitário do Bem was developed, which aims to manage the complementary activities carried out in the HEIs. The implementation of the app can save time and resources, in addition to promoting the university extension activity, which is still undervalued in Brazil. With the increasing integration of mobile applications into daily life, the proposed solution has the potential to significantly facilitate the process of carrying out complementary activities for students. The project faced challenges such as slow application and delays in conducting tests due to the high turnover of responsible students. Proposed improvements include the use of a more robust server and code overhaul to optimize performance.
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