ArTeachingVR: The Teaching of the Arts in Brazilian State Elementary Schools Aided by Virtual Reality
Virtual Reality, Arts Teaching, Education, Elementary SchoolAbstract
The art discipline aims to develop in the student a critical interaction with the complexity of the world and favor respect for the diversity of cultures and peoples. The current methodology in the classroom uses traditional and non-technological methods for teaching and learning this type of discipline, generating demotivation to the student. The insertion of technology in the classroom, such as Virtual Reality, can help in the abstraction of problems and concepts intrinsic to the discipline, motivating it in its teaching/learning process. However, there are few applications being used in public schools due to lack of resources or interest. Therefore, this paper presents a virtual reality tool that provides interactive three-dimensional virtual environments in order to assist the teaching/learning of students at the Brazilian elementary school of Art discipline. The virtual environments were evaluated by the project researchers by means of a specific usability questionnaire for this type of environment, obtaining a final average of 4.67 of 5.0, being considered suitable for use in the future in classrooms.
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