
  • Nathalia Delfavero Batista
  • Korina Aparecida Teixeira Ferreira da Costa Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE


Combate à fome, Restaurante Popular, Vulnerabilidade Social


In order to seek better conditions in the life of the population and promote human dignity, a study was carried out to implement a Popular Restaurant unit in the city of Presidente Prudente, considering the impact that their performance has on society, in the scenario of social inequalities and the lack of similar equipment in the region. The main objective is to guarantee a basic and fundamental right, seeking to meet the human need for access to affordable daily meals, covering mainly the most socially vulnerable population. Based on theoretical foundations that sustain and improve the understanding on the subject, through studies and analysis of project antecedents, and after technical surveys, the project has its beginning in the search for a location that concentrates possible users, resulting in a pre-existence close to the central quadrilateral. Thus, presenting itself as a social policy to fight hunger, the project materializes in a space of social representation, adjusted to the human reality of the target audience and thought in a way that can stimulate the affective feelings to the place, be it of belonging, of security and protection, that the equipment can be understood beyond a collective space, but as a political space, guaranteeing users the experience of social emancipation through obtaining the right to food. Going against the deprivation of freedom of survival and the pain of hunger, the Popular Restaurant adds socially and economically to the city of Presidente Pudente.


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