
  • Juliana Barreto da Silva
  • Victor Martins de Aguiar Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE
  • Yeda Ruiz Maria Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE


eixo de estruturação, mobilidade, qualidade urbana


There is in the city of São Paulo, since its urbanization in the 19th century, the railway as a structuring element that distinguishes two regions - east and west - under physical and social aspects. Between them, it is evident the unfavorable position of the East Zone in relation to the distance from the center, being the first region to be occupied by the popular, who crossed the territory through the railroad and the great road works of the city, which, since its formation, despised the space available for pedestrians. Today, 2020, in the far east is the district of Guaianases, occupied by the low-income population who, thirty kilometers away from the center, have the train as their main means of access to the east. In addition to the low employment and quality of transportation, the neighborhood has a high percentage of workers who spend more than one hour moving house-to-work; factors that characterize the place as a dormitory neighborhood. In this context, the Station Area appears, located in the axis of neighborhood structuring and which, responsible for configuring the daily displacements of the local population, is assumed as the starting point for the transformation of its space. Therefore, surveys were conducted around the Guaianases Station area which, through quantitative and qualitative analysis, made it possible to identify the temporal, physical, and social conditions of its space; in additon to the revision of the current pertinent legislation which, linked to the principles of sustainable transportation, make it possible to explore instruments and policies aimed at local development of the neighborhood and, later, the city.


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How to Cite

[MOBILI] QUALI[DADE] URBANA: EIXO DE TRANSFORMAÇÃO URBANA EM GUAIANASES, SÃO PAULO-SP. (2021). Colloquium Socialis. ISSN: 2526-7035, 4(3), 33-48. https://journal.unoeste.br/index.php/cs/article/view/3846

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