Glycine max. Rhizobacteria. Productivity. Cover crops.Abstract
The search for cultivation practices that provide productive, social and environmental benefits to the agroecosystem is of great importance for the sustainable intensification of agriculture. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of multifunctional microorganisms (MM) and mix of cover crops on gas exchange, production components and soybean grain yield. In the field experiment, conducted by two agricultural harvests, the experimental design of randomized blocks in factorial scheme 8x2 was used, with four replications. The treatments were composed by the combination of eight vegetable toppings and the use or not of MM. The vegetable toppings were composed of: 1. Fallow; 2. Corn; 3. Mix 1 [White Lupine, Buckwheat, White Oats, Black Oats, C. ochroleuca, C. Juncea, Turnip, Forage Grass, White Lupine] 4. Mix 2 (Buckwheat, B, C. Black Oat) [Millet, C. ochroleuca, black oats, white oats, buckwheat, coracana grass]; 6. Mix 4 (C. spectabilis, buckwheat, millet and C. breviflora); 7. Mix 5 [Oats, Buckwheat, Millet, Piatã and C. Ocholeuca); and 8. Mix 6. (Black Oats, Turnip Forage, White Lupine, Coracan Grass, Buckwheat). The MM consortium used was Serratia marcenses (BRM 32114) + Bacillus sp. (BRM 63573). Soybean plants co-inoculated with (BRM 32114) + (BRM 63573) showed an increase in photosynthetic rate (16.65%), stomatal conductance (37.50%), internal CO2 concentration (10%), number of pods per plant (15%), mass of 100 grains (4.04%) and grain yield (14.83%). However, no differences were observed in soybean plants grown in succession to the mix of cover crops, except for the number of grains per pod. Therefore, in this study, the highlight was the consortium of multifunctional microorganisms, technology considered strategic for the sustainable intensification of agriculture.
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