microrganismos associados com arroz; Oryza sativa; rizobactérias promotoras de crescimento em plantas; desenvolvimento sustentável.Resumo
Rice the main source of energy to maintain the metabolism for almost four billion people worldwide. Rice plants treated with multifunctional microorganisms may be a good way for sustainable improvement of crop grain yield. Aimed study the effect of types and ways of microorganisms application in tropical lowland rice production, evaluated by biomass production and gas exchange. The greenhouse trial was in a completely randomized design, in factorial scheme 7 x 3 + 1, with four replication. Treatments were the combination of seven microorganisms: Bacillus sp. (BRM32109 e BRM32110); Pseudomonas fluorescens (BRM32111); Pseudomonas sp. (BRM32112); Burkholderia pyrrocinia (BRM32113); Serratia sp. (BRM32114) and Trichoderma asperellum pool (UFRA.T06 + UFRA.T09 + UFRA.T12 + UFRA.T52), with three forms of application (1. microbiolized seed; 2. microbiolized seed + soil drenched with microorganism at eight and 15 days after sowing (DAS) and 3. microbiolized seed + microorganism spray plant at eight and 15 DAS). Microbiolized seed was the best form of application, which allowed highest instantaneous carboxylation efficiency and yield of biomass production in lowland rice. Rhizobcteria BRM32114, followed by BRM32111, BRM32112 and fungi T. asperellum improved, an average, 17% in instantaneous carboxylation efficiency and 20% in dry shoot biomass production of lowland rice compared to the control plants.
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