Orthotanasia and dignity in finitess.


  • José Eduardo Pinheiro Unoeste Campus Presidente Prudente
  • Germano Albieri Peres Unoeste Campus Presidente Prudente


lung cancer, palliative care, terminality


 Lung cancer is the most common malignancy worldwide. According to the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015, lung cancer is also the leading cause of cancer mortality. Therefore, faced with a diagnosis of lung cancer, the likelihood of an unfavorable outcome is considerably high, as occurred with the patient in this study. Thus, this case report is about the importance of the institution of palliative care in patients in the presence of malignant neoplasms, of incurable character, so that they have quality of life, that they can understand and accept their death process and that, at the moment of in the course of the death, the same occurs in a dignified, painless and comfortable way possible within the limitations.

Keywords: Lung cancer, palliative care, terminality



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Author Biography

  • Germano Albieri Peres, Unoeste Campus Presidente Prudente


    1.3- Date of birth : April 26, 1983 .
    1.4- Place of birth : Presidente Prudente , SP .

    1.5- Nationality : Brazilian.
    1.6- Marital Status : solteir the .
    1.7 - Addresses : Avenida Masaharu Akaki, 99 .
    Neighborhood: Watal Ishibashi Park
    CEP: 1 9 033-570 .
    City: Presidente Prudente, SP .
    Phones: ( 1 8 ) 9 9686-5989 .
    (18) 3905-1547 .
    Email : germanoperes @ hotmail.com
    2.1 - Identity Card
    - RG. n. 34.469.034-9 / SSP / S P
    - Issue: 08 / 11 / 20 0 2 .
    2.2 - CPF.
    - n. . 313.970.438-06 .

    2.3 - Electoral Title
    - n. 3049.7480.0132 - Zone: 101 - Section: 0 1 83 .
    - Municipality: Presidente Prudente, SP .
    2.4 - Birth Certificate
    CURRICULUM VITAE 07/11/2020 14(13
    https://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_f Página 3 de 4
    - n. 132,547 , Book: 123 - A , Fls. 44-v .
    - Presidente Prudente - SP .
    2.5 - Certificate of Exemption from Incorporation
    - 06140235891-7 - 6th CSM
    2. 6 - Regional Council of Medicine of São Paulo.
    - n. CRM: 193,123
    - Registration: 52414
    03. - SCHOOLING
    3.1- M e sino dio
    Colégio Braga Melo .
    Presidente Prudente , S P .
    Conclusion: 200 1 .
    3.2. 1 - Graduation in ADMINISTRATION , by the Administration Course of UNOESTE - UNIVERSIDADE DO OESTE PAULISTA.
    Presidente Prudente, SP.
    Course Start: 20 05 .
    End of Course: 20 09 .
    3.2. 2 - Graduation in MEDICINE , by the Medicine Course at UNOESTE - UNIVERSIDADE DO OESTE PAULISTA.
    Presidente Prudente, SP.
    Course Start: 20 1 1 .
    End of Course: 20 1 7 .
    Date of Graduation: 11/17/2017
    Diploma r egistrado: under number
    3.2.3 - Post graduation in Medical Clinic by Unoeste / HRPP
    Presidente Prudente, SP
    . Course Start 01/03/2018
    . I finish in the Course 02/29/2020
    3.2.4- Post Graduation in Geriatrics at Unoeste / HRPP
    Presidente Prudente, SP
    .Start of Course: 03/01/2020
    . Expected to end on 2/28/2022



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How to Cite

Orthotanasia and dignity in finitess. (2023). Colloquium Vitae. ISSN: 1984-6436, 15(1), 36-41. https://journal.unoeste.br/index.php/cv/article/view/3861

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