The effect of virtual reality-based therapy on dynamic balance training of individuals after stroke
The aim of this study was to analyze the effect of virtual reality-based (VR) therapy on balance training of patients after stroke. 10 hemiparetic participants received twelve individual physical therapy sessions using the VR therapeutic, through Nintendo Wii® Fit Plus and Wii Sports Resort™. The analysis revealed that the Dynamic Gait Index (DGI) instrument, responsible for evaluating the dynamic balance, obtained significant difference (p=0.0085) between the basal (17.30±3.59) and final (20.30±2.94) evaluation. The Penguin Slide game had no significance between the scores (p=0.918), but there was a moderate correlation between the DGI instrument (r=0.662; p=0.037). This study obtained favorable results related to dynamic balance and also suggests that VR therapy as in general influenced the improvement of dynamic balance in individuals with hemiparesis after stroke.
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