
  • Sarah Carolina Colorado Borges Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE
  • Ana Augusta Rodrigues Westin Ebaid


adoção, morosidade, adoção tardia


The adoption institute has undergone numerous changes over the years, and from the 1988 Federal Constitution onwards, the most important innovations began to take effect. From that moment on, the adoption began to gain a significant new guise to protect the rights of children and adolescents. In the present work, through doctrinal and jurisprudential research, through books and articles, it aims to make an analysis of the history and adoption process, which is a subject that is always very relevant and discussed in society, bringing positive aspects, such as innovations. who shifted the focus from suitors to minors, and brought a greater guarantee to their rights; and negative aspects such as prejudices, late adoption and the slowness of our legal system. The methodology included bibliographic survey. The main focus is to analyze the adoption process based on the principles of human dignity found in our Charter, and the principles that govern the adoption institute, and how it has been applied in the daily lives of children and adolescents , to ensure their fundamental rights and family life.


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How to Cite

A BUSCA PELA REALIZAÇÃO DA DIGNIDADE DA PESSOA HUMANA NO INSTITUTO DA ADOÇÃO . (2020). Colloquium Socialis. ISSN: 2526-7035, 4(2), 19-30. https://journal.unoeste.br/index.php/cs/article/view/3847