
  • Marcello Gamarra de Souza Elias
  • Nelson Renan Seiti Harakawa
  • Rafael Bratifich
  • Marcelo Marques da Silva


K-Means, Geolocation, KNN, Traffic Accidents, Euclidean


In electric power supply, in order for electric power substations to continue to operate, the maintenance of the electrical equipment present is of utmost importance. Currently there are several forms of preventive maintenance scheduling, where each power supply company adopts an existing method or develops a new method. To perform this work, we used the methodology of fuzzy logic that enables the calculation of reliability among the uncertainties, in order to classify the degree of criticality in the maintenance of circuit breakers that may present technical problems, performed a preventive maintenance, comparing with the method already used by the distribution company. The results found demonstrate greater accuracy than the model currently presented by the distributor. Although the results obtained are satisfactory, its use is only indicated as a support tool for teams and specialists. Since its factors still need to be adjusted, for a better predictability rate, where some samples the maintenance date is very close to the breaker failure date.


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