
  • Daniel Santana Motta de Campos Universidade do Oeste Paulista - UNOESTE
  • Ana Paula Nunes Zago Oliveira Universidade do Oeste Paulista, UNOESTE


entomologia forense, necrófagos, pontal do paranapanema, sus scrofa l., sucessão entomológica


Studies with necrophagous insects essentially helps in the determination of postmortem interval (PMI) of an organism and provides necessary information for criminal investigations in the forensic area. The necrophagous insects with greater incidence in forensic studies belongs to Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae, Muscidae (Diptera) and Dermestidae (Coleoptera) families. The research was realized near the district of Rosana - SP, in a region known as Pontal do Paranapanema. Traps made with PET bottles with ground pork inside (Sus scrofa L.) were used in an agricultural area surrounding the local diversity. The traps were exposed for 17 days and new traps were added after 9 days of exposure. Were collected 15.715 insects directly from putrefaction gorund pork. The results of this study demonstrate a great diversity of Diptera, with nine families, and six families of coleoptera with forensic interest. The most abundant families were, Calliphoridae, Sarcophagidae and Muscidae, Dermestidae and Histeridae in their respective orders.


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How to Cite

FAUNA SURVEY OF NECROPHAGOUS INSECTS OF FORENSIC IMPORTANCE USING PIG (SUS SCROFA L.) BAIT IN THE DISTRICT OF ROSANA-SP. (2019). Colloquium Vitae. ISSN: 1984-6436, 11(1), 57-62. https://journal.unoeste.br/index.php/cv/article/view/2847

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