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Author Guidelines

Standards for Authors

Guidelines for the preparation and submission of articles (reviewed and approved by the Editorial Board on 03/01/2019)
Colloquium Humanarum accepts contributions from the various sub-areas of the Humanities, Letters, and Arts that intersect with Education in the following categories: (1) Original Article, (2) Review Article, (3) Essay, (4) Review.
Articles must be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish and be in accordance with the instructions below, which are based on the guidelines of the Brazilian Association of Technical Standards (ABNT).

All persons designated as authors must be responsible for the authorship of the article and have sufficiently participated in the work to assume public responsibility for its content. Authorship credit should be based only on substantial contributions: (i) in the conception, planning, execution, analysis and interpretation of results, and (ii) in drafting or reviewing the article in an intellectually important manner. Participation limited to fundraising, data collection, general supervision or leadership of a research group does not justify authorship.
The signed works represent solely the opinions of the authors and are entirely their responsibility. Papers submitted to the Colloquium Humanarum will be subject to linguistic review by referees and referees qualified by the Editorial Board, without losing the author's credit and the author's responsibility for the work of intellectual creation.

Article Submission
The submission of articles should be done electronically at
By submitting an article to Colloquium Humanarum, authors automatically declare to be aware of and under the following conditions:

  • The article was prepared based on the principles of scientific and ethical integrity.
  • The article is original and is not being and will not be submitted for publication in other journals while under Colloquium Humanarum evaluation and also after its publication;
  • It is responsible for the accuracy of the information, spelling and grammar correction, and for compliance with Colloquium Humanarum standards. All authors agree with the publication of the article and declare that there is no conflict of interest of any kind;
  • Upon approval, it automatically assigns the copyright of the article to Colloquium Humanarum.
  • The article must be in Word format (.doc), with tables, figures (.xls or .jpg), schematic drawings (.jpg) or photos (.jpg) with their titles and captions already inserted in their respective locations in text.
  • For better grammatical fit, editors suggest looking for a professional to perform spelling, grammar, and linguistic proofreading. Also for better adequacy of the statistical analysis and presentation of the results, the editors suggest the search for a professional to perform the analyzes and orientations in this specific aspect.

Evaluation Process
All articles submitted to the Colloquium Humanarum that comply with the “Authors Standards” and the journal's editorial policy are reviewed by the Editorial Board for their merit and scientific appropriateness. From the initial approval, the article is sent to two external evaluators of recognized competence in the subject for their opinion (peer review), whose anonymity is guaranteed throughout the trial process. The article will be accepted for publication if it has two favorable opinions and rejected when two opinions are unfavorable. In the event of a favorable and unfavorable opinion, the decision on whether or not to publish the material will be made by the Editorial Board of the Journal. The suggestions of the reviewers are considered and the final decision on the acceptance or rejection of the article is the responsibility of the Editors.

Papers accepted
All published articles become the property of Colloquium Humanarum and may not be reproduced, republished or published electronically without permission. Authors, upon acceptance of their article for publication, automatically transfer their copyright to Colloquium Humanarum. Because this journal is publicly accessible, articles are free to use, with their own attribution, in educational and non-commercial applications.
For editorial reasons, the Editors reserve the right to make minor graphic or editorial changes to the text without interfering with its content. Authors are aware of modifications (if any) when reviewing evidence prior to publication.

Work Elaboration
1. Original Article
It is a scientific contribution intended to disseminate unpublished research results that have not been published or submitted in other media.
The article should be typed in a single column, using Calibri 11 font, 1.5 line spacing, formatted on A4 paper (212 x 297 mm) with 2.0 cm of tab margins and 1.25 cm for marking the paper. beginning of each paragraph. It must have a minimum length of 15 and a maximum of 25 pages and contain the following sections separated by three lines: Title, Summary and Keywords (Portuguese, English and Spanish); Full text, including tables and figures with their titles and captions, Acknowledgments and References. Pages should be numbered consecutively starting with the page title.

1.1 Titles, Summaries and Keywords Page
Must contain article title with up to 20 capitalized words and left aligned; Single paragraph summary of up to 250 words, containing a summary of the Objective, Methods, Results and Conclusions (these subtitles should not be written) and keywords (up to five). These elements must be presented in Portuguese, English and Spanish.
On this page and also throughout the article should not be placed names of authors and institutional affiliation, nor any reference to the address or email of the authors. Identification of the authors and their institutional affiliations is performed at the time of registration and submission of the article in the System.

1.2 Text
It should be divided into the following sections: (A) Introduction, (B) Methodological Design, (C) Results and Discussion, (D) Conclusions. These subtitles should be written only with the first letter capitalized.
A. Introduction: It should contain a succinct revision of the subject that is sufficient for its contextualization. Also a justification with the scientific relevance of the study and the objectives in the last paragraph. The inclusion of results or conclusions from the study to be presented should be avoided.
B. Methods: should contain a description of the study object or case series indicating that the study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee where the study was conducted, following the guidelines of the National Research Ethics Council (CONEP) based on Declaration of Helsinki. It should also contain the description of the methods employed with sufficient technical details of the procedures that could allow the reproduction of the presented study. Broadly established methods can only be mentioned as long as they are accompanied by citation of the reference with its detailed description. The type of analysis performed on the data, as well as the statistical methods used, should be described in sufficient detail to allow the adequacy assessment, according to the proposed objectives and methodology.
C. Results and Discussion: should be presented in logical sequence in the text, emphasizing the observations / analyzes in line with the scientific discussion. It is recommended to avoid the repetition of data presented in tables or figures, which should be numbered in sequence with Arabic numerals and inserted after their mention in the text. It should comment on the new and important aspects obtained from the study in relation to the information available in the most recent literature.

They should be preceded by a concise title that gives a clear idea of ​​the data being presented and numbered in Arabic following their appearance in the text. Each table must be double-spaced and typed and its vertical lines should not be visible. If subtitles are required to define abbreviations or indicate statistically significant differences (p-value), they should be placed just below the table.

Includes graphics, schematic drawings and photos. They must be numbered in Arabic following their appearance in the text. The title should be placed immediately below, as well as the definition of abbreviations or indication of statistically significant differences (p value). After their original preparation, the files should be converted into the following formats: figures (.xls or .jpg), schematic drawings (.jpg) and photos (.jpg - can be colored), and inserted into their locations in the text. The letters, numbers and symbols in the figures must be clear and large enough to be readable even after reduction (if necessary) for publication.

1. Conclusions: The implications of scientific findings, their limitations and even recommendations for future studies should be emphasized. At the end of this section there should be a summary of the authors' conclusions.

1.3 Acknowledgments
This section may include: (i) contributions requiring acknowledgment but not warranting authorship, (ii) acknowledgments for technical, financial and material assistance, including government and/or laboratory assistance. A mention of Conflict of Interest must be included describing financial contributions that may represent potential conflict of interest and / or declare no conflict of interest (see example below) that may interfere with the impartiality of scientific work.
Statement to be made when there is no Conflict of Interest:
The authors declare that there is no potential conflict of interest that could interfere with the impartiality of this scientific work.

1.4 References
References should be edited in the last pages of the article organized in alphabetical order according to ABNT norms (NBR 6023 of 2018). According to ABNT all authors should be cited. Full journal names should be entered.
The accuracy of the references in the listing and the correct citation in the text are the responsibility of the author.
All web pages (homepages or URL addresses) cited in the references must be correct and active to allow access by interested parties. Accepted papers, but not yet published, may be included by providing the journal name followed by the year and information: (forthcoming).
For articles that have a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), insert it at the end of the reference as the example below.
DOI 10.1046 / j.1440-1789.2000.00334.x

Below are the rules author entry
•Only 1 author
ECO, U. (simple surname)
CASTELO BRANCO, H. (compound surname)
MOREIRA JUNIOR, S. (family last name)

•More than 1 author
All names are mentioned, in the order they appear in the publication, separated by semicolons.

•Work consisting of several works or contributions by several authors.
Enter by the most prominent intellectual responsible (organizer, coordinator, translator, editor, etc.).
CUNHA, L. (coord.).

•Work without authorship
The entry is made by the title, capitalizing all letters of the first word.
UNIVERSITY and press: how to relate well with the media.

•Works of collective authorship: entities / institutions
It is entered by its name in full and in capital letters.

In case of ambiguity, enclose in parentheses the name of the geographical unit to which it belongs.

When collective authorship has a generic name, its name is preceded by the name of the higher body.
BRASIL. Ministério da Agricultura. Secretaria Nacional de Defesa Agropecuária

Reference Examples
Whole book
LIMA, J.; SOARES, M.; SILVA, C. Química aplicada. 2.ed. São Paulo: Globo, 1984.

Parts of the book with own authorship
DEL NEGRO, G. Doenças produzidas por fungos. In: GUIMARÃES, R. Y.; GUERRA, C. C. Clínica e laboratório: interpretação clínica das provas laboratoriais. São Paulo: Sarvier, 1984. p. 272-275

Parts of the book without special authorship (excerpts, fragments, volumes, chapters, pages, etc.)
SOARES, F.; BURLAMAQUI, C. Pesquisas brasileiras 1º e 2º graus. 5.ed. São Paulo: Artes Médicas, 1982. Cap. 4: Desenho dental, p. 71-84.

Authored magazine article

GALVÁN, G. P. El contexto en el que se pretende que las y los estudiantes desarrollen habilidades socioemocionales en las escuelas de lationoamérica.  Colloquium Humanarum. Presidente Prudente, v. 15, n. 4, p. 04-09, dez. 2018. Available in: Acces: 09 de diciembre. 2019.

Theses, Dissertations and Monographs
VEIGA NETO, E. R. Aspectos anatômicos da glândula lacrimal e de sua inervação no macaco-prego Cebus apella (Linnaeus, 1758). 1988. Dissertação (Mestrado em Ciências Biológicas) - Instituto de Biociências, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu, 1988.

Paper presented at a scientific event, published in annals
CASTRO, C. M. O secundário: esquecido em um desvão do ensino? In: SEMINÁRIO INTERNACIONAL DE AVALIAÇÃO DA EDUCAÇÃO, 1., 1995, Rio de Janeiro. Anais[...] Rio de Janeiro: Fundação Cesgranrio, 1996. p. 133-150.

Other examples and more information Biblioteca/manual/index.htm.

Bibliographic citations in the text
They must be in accordance with ABNT Standards (NBR 10520 of 2002).
For up to three authors, put all last names followed by the year. For more than three authors, only the last name of the first one is followed by et al. and the year.
Textual quotes longer than three lines should be indented 4.0 cm using size 8 font with 1 (single) line spacing. Following the year, the page from which the quote was taken should be presented.
In citations, calls by the surname of the author, the responsible institution or title included in the sentence should be in upper / lower case and, when in parentheses, should be in upper case.

Santos (2005) observed that ...
Santos and Pereira (2006, p. 15) verified the ...
Leite et al. (2006) performed an experiment ...
According to Silva (1983 apud ABREU, 1999) the experiments are ...
[...] increased number of cells (BARBOSA, 2004; SOUTO 2006; AMARAL 2008).
[...] there was no difference (Nieman et al., 2005).

Other examples and more information Biblioteca/manual/index.htm.

2. Review Article
It is a systematized description of the literature on a given subject and discursive critical evaluation, and should contain the procedures adopted, clarifying the delimitation and limits of the theme, and ending with the author's conclusions. Articles in this category may be requested by editors to authors with proven experience in the field, but authors are encouraged to submit an unsolicited review article, provided that they believe the article may make a relevant scientific contribution to the area of ​​knowledge.
Must contain Title of the article with up to 20 words in Portuguese and English in capital letters and left aligned and Abbreviated title of up to 5 words, Resumo / Abstract / Resumen in single paragraph with up to 250 words, containing the synthesis of the work, Keywords / Keywords / Keywords, Text (preferably organized into parts with subtitles), Acknowledgments and References. The general instructions for the Title Page, Tables and Figures, Acknowledgments and References are the same as the original articles.
Reviews should not exceed 25 pages, including references. In case of use of previously published figures, the source must be mentioned and the authorization for use made to the journal of the original publication must be made.

3. Trials
Section for publication of texts on current topics of the Humanities. The general instructions for the Title Page, Summary / Abstract, Descriptors / Keywords, Text, Acknowledgments and References are the same as the original articles. The essay may have a minimum length of 15 and a maximum of 25 pages, including references.

4. Reviews
Section whose purpose is to open the possibility of disclosure of critical syntheses of works of the Humanities, published in the last three years. The general instructions are the same as the original articles. The review may have a maximum length of 5 pages.

Plagiarism Check - CopySpider
Colloquium Humanarum uses the CopySpider tool to assist in anti-plagiarism policy. The article seeks to verify the authenticity of the article, that is, if it is original and unpublished and that the work, in whole or in part, or any other work with substantially similar content, has not been published in other journals in print or electronic format.

Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses disclosed on this page should be used solely for the purposes of the magazine and not available for other purposes.

This magazine uses the Carinian Network to create a distributed file system among participating libraries and allows libraries to create permanent magazine files for preservation and restoration.

Open Access Policy
Colloquium Humanarum offers immediate Open Access to its content without an embargo period, following the principle that making scientific knowledge available to the public free of charge provides for greater worldwide democratization of knowledge. Such access is associated with a growing reading and citation of an author's work. For more information on this approach, visit the Public Knowledge Project, a project that developed this system to improve the academic and public quality of research by distributing the Open Journal System (OJS) as well as other publicly available publishing support system software. academic.

Fees for submission and publication of texts
The Colloquium Humanarum, edited by the Graduate Program in Education of the University of West Paulista - UNOESTE, does not charge any fees for published papers, nor for those submitted for evaluation, review, publication, distribution or download.

Copyright Statement
Articles submitted to the Colloquium Humanarum journal are licensed under CC BY-NC-ND. For more information about this form of Licensing, see:

It is free to make available on the Internet, so users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search or reference the full text of documents, process them for indexing, use them as software input data, or use them for any other legal purpose without financial, legal or technical barrier.
1) Authors automatically assign the copyright for publication of the article to Colloquium Humanarum.
2) Authors are authorized to enter into additional contracts separately for non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published in this journal (eg, publishing in institutional repository or book chapter), with acknowledgment of authorship and initial publication in this journal.
3) Authors are allowed to publish and distribute their work online (eg, in institutional repositories or on their personal page) at any point before or during the editorial process, as this may lead to productive changes as well as increase impact and impact. citation of the published work.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses disclosed on this page should be used solely for the magazine purposes and not available for other purposes.