Stroke, Computerized Tomography, Image Processing, Neural NetworksAbstract
This work introduce an algorithm proposal able to automatically identify the occurrence of stroke through computed tomography (CT) images. The methods of segmentation by similarity and mathematical morphology are defined, in addition to the enhancement filters used to modify the histogram of the image, which comprises the input data of a Multi-layer Perceptron neural network responsible for classification. The use of this algorithm for medical diagnosis assistance seeks to speed up the process of detection of the disease, accurately and satisfactorily, once the final response given by the responsible specialist depends on his subjectivity. The work comes up with the development of the algorithm and the analysis of its results, which reaches an accuracy of 98,51% during the classification training using the anisotropic diffusion filter and 91,33% for segmentation using thresholding methods. A comparison between other image processing and artificial intelligence techniques is performed, seeking to obtain the bets response within a new and low cost model.
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