Setting up the maize seed germination test
In the corn crop, some challenges interfere with achieving high productivity. Technologies and research contribute to efficient solutions, among them seed technology, a fundamental element for the good development of production. The adoption and diffusion of technologies and agricultural practices significantly affect productivity gains. The objective of this study was to compare the performance of germination test installation in corn using the vacuum system and the manual system. The experiment was conducted in a Quality Control Laboratory in Uberlândia – MG, Brazil. It consisted of two stages. First, a vacuum system built especially for this purpose was used to install the test. A manual system was used in the second installation, using acrylic seed counters. The hypothesis presented was that the vacuum system is more efficient in test installation capacity since equipment makes the procedure faster. However, flaws related to the vacuum instrument were found, requiring adjustments or technological improvements. The results showed that the vacuum system reduced the capacity to install the germination test for corn seeds by 60% compared to the current manual installation system.
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