Lime, Gypsum, pH, Root, Number of podsResumo
The soybean is one of the main agricultural crops in Brazil, because the use of its grains is an important source of protein and vegetable oil. One of the main limiting factors for obtaining high yields in soybean in tropical soils is related to the need to correct soil acidity. The objective of this study was to evaluate the growth of (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) and the variation of soil pH values under the application of limestone and agricultural gypsum. The experimental design was completely randomized, distributed in a 4x4 factorial scheme. The treatments consisted of doses of 0, 1.5, 3.0 and 4.5 t ha-1 of only limestone, only gypsum and the combination of limestone and gypsum, repeated four times, totaling 64 experimental units. The soil pH was evaluated at 30, 45, 60, 75 days before sowing. The growth variables were: number of pods, shoot dry mass, root dry mass, root length and shoot/root ratio. The variables pH 75 days, root length and shoot/root ratio were significantly influenced by the treatments, alone or in interaction. For pH 30, pH 45 and pH 60 days, number of pods and shoot dry mass, there were isolated effects of treatments for gypsum and limestone. In root dry mass, the effect of the treatment was verified only with the use of limestone. As a conclusion, the application of limestone and gypsum reduces the soil acidity, obtaining higher pH values from the doses of 3000 kg ha-1, with the combination of limestone and gypsum. The use of gypsum consortium with limestone promotes significant results in the growth of soybean plants.
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