Ananas comosus, diuron, sulfentrazone, chemical managementResumo
There was a lack of information regarding the use of herbicides in pineapple crop, so the aim was to evaluate the growth and initial development of 'Smooth Cayenne' and 'Pérola' pineapple seedlings under application of diuron, sulfentrazone and ametryn, isolated and associated, in post-planting. The experiments were conducted in a greenhouse and the treatments consisted of application of herbicides after planting. Crop injury, leaf length and dry leaf mass and total aerial part were evaluated. The initial growth and development of the 'Smooth Cayenne' pineapple seedlings were not negatively influenced by the application of diuron. The initial growth and development of pineapple seedlings 'Pérola' was not negatively influenced by the application of diuron and ametryn, isolated or associated with each other.
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