Behavior of drivers with timed semaphores: a study using correspondence analysis
Currently there is a significant increase in the number of vehicles that transit in Brazilian cities. The agents responsible for planning the flow of vehicles have used technologies to deal with the problems arising from this fact with the main objective of traffic safety. This paper tries to study the risk behavior of drivers in front of two types of traffic lights, with and without timer. For this purpose, a multivariate statistical technique called Correspondence Analysis was used, which correlates the categories of two or more variables allowing interpretations to classify drivers according to their behavior. Sample collections were carried out in the city of Presidente Prudente, revealing that drivers have a way of risking themselves more often with the traffic lights without a timer. One of the conclusions of the study, perhaps the most important one, is due to the fact that the investments that were made in the traffic lights with a timer can be considered justified considering the reduction of accident risks.