nephropathy, uremiaAbstract
With the increase in the life expectancy of domestic animals, some diseases have
become common in the veterinary routine, with chronic kidney disease (CKD) being one of these frequent pathologies. Chronic kidney disease is characterized by irreversible structural damage, which progresses progressively to uremia and renal failure. To establish clinical manifestations, IRIS (International Renal Interest Society) developed a guide for classifying the disease into 4 stages based on serum creatinine levels, proteinuria, clinical manifestations of disease progression. The present work aimed to make a retrospective study of the occurrence of chronic renal failure in the veterinary hospital of the Universidade do Oeste Paulista, campus of Presidente Prudente SP. Thus, a survey was carried out of the general registration data of patients seen in the years 2018 and 2019. Information on age, gender, anamnesis, blood count, serum biochemical tests and ultrasound examinations were obtained from the medical records. The patients were classified according to the stage of the disease, of the 217 files analyzed, 85 were in stage I, 18 in stage II, 46 in stage III and 47 in stage IV, a higher prevalence of cases was observed in animals over 9 years old deity. In addition,
it was possible, through the evaluation of the records, to verify the importance of implementing a care and follow-up form for patients with suspected/diagnosed chronic kidney disease and thus be able to qualitatively evaluate routine cases.
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