Production of Dinizia excelsa Ducke (Fabaceae) seedlings subjected to increasing controlled-release fertilizer doses
Nutrição de plantas, Osmocote®, Silvicultura, Qualidade de mudasAbstract
Dinizia excelsa is one of the largest tree species grown in the Amazon rainforest, besides having great economic potential to help recovering degraded areas. This species plays key role in forest biomass diversity and increase processes. Studies in the literature that have focused on investigating the seminal production of seedlings belonging to this species remain scarce. The aim of the current study is to assess the production and quality of D. excelsa seedlings in response to the application of controlled-release fertilizer doses. The study has followed a completely randomized experimental design, based on the application of different Osmocote® doses (T1=0; T2=4.1; T3= 8.2 and T4=12.3³), with four repetitions - vermiculite and coconut fiber (1:1 v/v) were used as substrate. The following parameters were assessed: number of leaves, number of leaflets, shoot and root length, thickness of stem, plant height, shoot length:thickness of stem, leaf area, as well as shoot (SDW), root (RDW) and total (TDW) dry weight. Data were subjected to variance and regression analysis. Seedlings have positively responded to the use of Osmocote® fertilizer. Biomass accumulation recorded the best results from the 4.1³ dose onwards. Thus, it can be recommended to help reducing costs associated with the seminal production of seedlings belonging to the investigated species.
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