Cost reduction on micropropagation of Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiform
alternative medium, carbon source, chemical sterilization, cherry tomato, gelling agentAbstract
The aim of this study was to establish a low cost alternative protocol for the micropropagation of Solanum lycopersicum L. var. cerasiforme. In the in vitro establishment, culture media containing P.A. and commercial sucrose and varying concentrations of corn starch and agar were tested. The replacement of physical sterilization for chemical sterilization was also evaluated. In the multiplication step, the medium was supplemented with agar and / or corn starch and commercial sucrose. For rooting, medium with commercial sucrose supplemented with agar and / or starch was used. Subsequently, the microplants were acclimatized in a greenhouse. The results allow us to conclude that the cost reduction in the micropropagation of cherry tomato is obtained by the substitution of P.A. sucrose by commercial sucrose, partial (establishment and multiplication) and total (rooting) substitution of agar by corn starch and also by the use of chemical sterilization of the medium. The microplants obtained from this protocol were successful in acclimatization step.
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