componentes de produtividade, espaçamento entrelinhas, Glycine max, população de plantas, produtividade de grãos.Abstract
The adoption of different plant arrangements in the soybean crop can promote morphological changes in the plants, which may influence the grain yield. In this context, the spatial arrangement allied to a determined growth and higher cycle variety may be an alternative for the management of the soybean crop under adverse edaphic-climatic conditions. In this way, the objective of this work was to evaluate the agronomic performance and the productive components of the BRS Valiosa RR® soybean cultivar, with determined growth in different plant populations and between rows. The trial was installed in Rio Verde/GO at 2012/13 agricultural year. A randomized complete block design was used in a factorial arrangement 4x4 with four replications. It was evaluated four spacing between rows (20; 40; 20/40 and 20/60 cm) associated with four plant populations (200,000, 300,000, 400,000 and 500,000 ha-1 plants). The BRS Valiosa RR® cultivar showed potential to reduce the plant population without causing reductions in grain yield, regardless of the spacing between rows.
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