
  • Anderson Samuel Silva Universidade Federal da Paraíba
  • Edson Mauro Santos Universidade federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - Campus II CEP: 58.397-000 - Areia - PB - Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12 Tel. (83) 362.1700
  • João Paulo de Farias Ramos Universidade federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - Campus II CEP: 58.397-000 - Areia - PB - Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12 Tel. (83) 362.1700
  • Alexandre Fernandes Perazzo Universidade federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - Campus II CEP: 58.397-000 - Areia - PB - Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12 Tel. (83) 362.1700
  • Ana Cecília Sousa Muniz Universidade federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - Campus II CEP: 58.397-000 - Areia - PB - Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12 Tel. (83) 362.1700
  • Francisco Naysson de Sousa Santos Universidade federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - Campus II CEP: 58.397-000 - Areia - PB - Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12 Tel. (83) 362.1700
  • Danilo Marte Pereira Universidade federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - Campus II CEP: 58.397-000 - Areia - PB - Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12 Tel. (83) 362.1700
  • Gabriel Ferreira de LIma Cruz Universidade federal da Paraíba, Centro de Ciências Agrárias - Campus II CEP: 58.397-000 - Areia - PB - Rodovia BR 079 - Km 12 Tel. (83) 362.1700


gênero; morfologia; produtividade; variedade


The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of planting density of two varieties of forage palm of the genus Nopalea and Opuntia on the morphological and productive characteristics. The experiment was established in a randomized block design with three replications in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement. composed of two planting densities: 40.000 and 20.000 ha-1 plants and two forage cactu varieties: Palmepa-PB01 and Palmepa-PB04 (Nopalea cochinilifera and Opuntia ficus indica, respectively), the Palmepa-PB01 variety presented mean values ​​of 62.33 and 71.33 cm for height and plant width, respectively, presenting values ​​33 and 32% higher than the Palmepa-PB04, The area index of the cladodes was higher for the density of 40.000 ha-1 plants, with 2.01 m² m-², presenting a value of 54.22% in relation to the density of 20,000 ha-1 plants, which presented 0.92 m² m -², The planting density of 20.000 ha-1 plants was 19% higher relative to the density of 40.000 ha-1 plants, The Palmepa-PB01 variety was 18.18% higher than the Palmepa-PB04 variety with a yield of 40.70 tons ha-1, The Palmepa-PB01 variety is more productive than Palmepa-PB04 recommending its planting at the lowest planting density.


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How to Cite

CARACTERÍSTICAS AGRONÔMICAS DE VARIEDADES DE Opuntia cochenillifera E Nopalea cochenillifera SOB DIFERENTES DENSIDADES DE PLANTIO. (2019). Colloquium Agrariae. ISSN: 1809-8215, 15(6), 88-96.

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