Development of seedlings, Dickson index, MorphologyAbstract
There is a growing interest in the production of seedlings of native species for recovery of degraded areas, restoration of legal reserve and areas of permanent preservation or for use in different sectors of the economy. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality of seedlings of Copaifera langsdorffii Desf. cultivated in an alternative substrate as a function of complementary mineral fertilization. The experiment was carried out at the Forest Nursery of the Federal University of Tocantins - UFT, Gurupi University Campus. A randomized complete block experimental design was used in a 2x12 factorial design with ten replications. They were measured at 90 days after emergence: Height of seedlings, Root length; Colo diameter; Dry mass of aerial part and root system; Leaf area; Substrate density and seedling quality index. The substrate was composed of Worm Humus (50%) and subsoil soil (50%) in the absence of fertilization provides improvement in the morphology of the seedlings as dry shoot mass, dry mass of the roots and the highest quality index of seedlings . Substrates with 75% commercial substance and 25% subsoil and 100% commercial substrate do not require fertility supplementation with fertilization to promote improvement in seed quality index. However, if the sources of commercial substrate and bark of charred rice are used, the use of fertilizer is recommended as the proportion of these organic compounds is reduced.
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