Climate change, water deficit, medicinal plants.Resumo
The study aimed to verify the water stress indicators of garlic (Allium sativum L.) submitted to water deficit levels, simulating the effects of possible climatic changes. Considering that A. sativum is a crop known worldwide for its medicinal, culinary properties and applications in the ecological management of agricultural pests and, knowing that the planet is undergoing constant climatic changes, this study becomes essential to understand the influence of these changes on this species cultivation. The treatments were established with water conditions of 100, 75, 50, and 25% of the pot capacity (PC). According to the pot capacity, three bulbils were planted per pot (5 L) containing Plantmax® substrate, irrigated every two days. During the first and last week of the greenhouse treatments, the chlorophyll index was evaluated using a porometer with a seven-day interval between the analysis. The first analysis was performed in the first week of water stress and the last one in the last days of stress. Garlic plants showed sensitivity to water deficit, resulting in lower conductance and transpiration compared to treatments 50% and 75% water deficit, apparently without causing changes in production. In view of the results of this study, it is concluded that Allium sativum L. will not be totally harmed by the climate changes expected in the future according to atmospheric changes in the region of Laranjeiras do Sul.
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