bactérias; controle biológico; microrganismos benéficos; Fragaria x Ananassa.Resumo
One of the factors that can compromise the strawberry culture is the use of seedlings without phytosanitary quality. The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of three biological products in the production of strawberry cultivars. For this, six cultivars ('Camino Real', 'Festival', 'Oso Grande', 'Albion', 'San Andreas' and 'Camarosa') were selected to receive the following treatments: T1) Onix (2.4 mL) + Qualit (0.6 mL) (Bacillus methylotrophicus + Trichoderma asperellum); T2) Rhizos (2.4 mL) + Qualit (0.6 mL) (Bacillus subtilis + Trichoderma asperellum) and T3) Control. After the production cycle, the total production (g kg-1), estimated average production (kg ha-1) and number of fruits in each plot were evaluated. 'Festival' and 'Oso Grande' were the most productive cultivars and their greatest yields were observed in the presence of Bacillus compared to control. Plants grown in the presence of B. methylotrophicus and B. subtilis showed a higher number of fruits. The use of these biological products is important for strawberry cultivation.
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