breeding, Gossypium hirsutum, genetically modified organisms, herbicide, pest managementResumo
Over the last years, the cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) crop in Brazil has been substantially modified by a large-scale introduction of biotechnologically-based resources. In this work, a general review on the technical principles and the current status regarding transgenic traits developed for cotton is presented. The use of transgenic cotton, which contains genes isolated from other species, has been increasingly frequent, occupying more than 78% of the crop production area in Brazil in 2017. The development of transgenic cotton is costly and time-consuming, and is concentrated in a few owner groups. Current generations of Bt protoxins isolated from Bacillus thuringiensis (“Cry” and “Vip” proteins) for control of lepidopteran insects and genes conferring tolerance to glyphosate (cp4epsps and 2mepsps) and ammonium glufosinate (pat and bar) are included as products commercially available for growers. Events for tolerance to the herbicides 2,4-D and dicamba, although already developed, require regulatory authorizations in Brazil, and, probably, will be available for commercialization in the coming years. The combination of several transgenic traits (stacked-traits) within an individual genotype is an increasing tendency for new transgenic cultivars to be launched. More recently, promising studies involving transgenic plants have been conducted to obtain resistance to diseases, tolerance to abiotic stresses, and improvements in fiber and seed properties, which may result in release of new traits in the future.Downloads
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