
  • Wellington Boigues Corbalan Tebar Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná (UENP) https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1301-4474
  • Edinilson Donisete Machado Universidade Estadual do Norte do Paraná


Sanitary Crisis. Vulnerable Groups. Migrants and Refugees. Violation of Human Rights.


This paper aimed to analyze, in a general perspective, the situation of migrants and refugees in the face of the adversities generated by the pandemic of COVID-19. To this end, data regarding the main impacts generated by the health crisis were presented, as well as guidelines for adequate response plans to be taken by States. The research took, as a reference, official documents published by international organizations (at global and regional level) for the protection of human rights.


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Dossiê: Pandemia de COVID-19 e suas repercussões jurídicas e sociais no Brasil

How to Cite

OS MIGRANTES E REFUGIADOS, OS IMPACTOS DA COVID-19. (2021). Colloquium Socialis. ISSN: 2526-7035, 4(4), 148-162. https://journal.unoeste.br/index.php/cs/article/view/3774

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